


1. Every student should regularly carry with him/her the school diary. The school uniform is to be worn on all school days and for any school functions. Parents should see that their son/daughter does not wear the uniform outside the school when he/she is at home or elsewhere.
2. All the students must be in their seats before the teacher enters the class. It is time for personal meditation. No one should roam around in varandas. All should maintain silence. During the absence of a teacher the monitor of the class is responsible for maintaining discipline, and must be obeyed.
3. Students should take care of the school property. They should not write or scratch on desks, chairs walls or doors of the school nor should they damage property belonging to others. Any damage done to the school property must be remitted by the offender.
4. The school is not responsible for the goods or money lost. Money should not be sent or borrowed or articles exchanged.
5. A student who uses unfair means during tests/exams, tampers with marks, answer sheet or school certificates, serious action will be taken against them. Repetition of the same will result in dismissal.
6. Parents have to come and sign the progress cards of their wards on the dates mentioned in the diary.
7. Students who come to school in the care of servants should never leave the school premises before the servant arrives. If the servant is delayed, they should report to the school office.
8. After school hours students are not expected to go anywhere else other than home from school.
9. a] Cycle should be put properly in the cycle stand.
9. b] Students are not allowed to use the telephone in school without the permission of the Principal / HM nor will they be allowed to answer telephone calls during class hours. They will not be allowed to receive letters or other mail without the permission of the Principal.
10. a] Students are forbidden to bring crackers, explosives and other dangerous materials to school.
10. b] Students are forbidden to bring Steel scales, Toys, Fancy Pens / Materials to school.
11. a) Electronic calculators, transistors or any other electronic gadgets should not be brought to school.
11. b) Students are strictly prohibited to bring mobile phones to school & whenever school organizes programmes outside.
12. a) Students are strictly forbidden to wear ornaments (Bangles, Ear or Nose Rings, Bracelets, etc.). They are not allowed to use nail polish, mehndi, make-up or grow long nails.
12. b) Students are not permitted to come on two / four wheelers driving themselves.
13. a) Boy's hair should be neatly trimmed.
13. b) Girls' long hair should be in two plaits tied up above the shoulder. No Hairstyle permitted.
13. c) Students are not allowed to have Fancy Hair Cut
13. d) Boys are recommended to have army hair cut.
14. Students who don't follow rules will have to pay fine.